Humboldt Research Scholarships 2022-2023: Submit Online Applications to Study for Free in Germany
Study for free in Germany!

Humboldt Research Fellowships 2022-2023 is German funding offered to all international candidates except German residents. Humboldt Research Scholarships is currently accepting applications for the session of 2022-2023 for postdoctoral studies in German Universities.
Through the Humboldt Research Fellowship, the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation sponsors researchers with above-average qualifications from across the globe. As a fellow, you will benefit from individual support from the Humboldt Foundation and their diverse sponsorship portfolio.
In providing Humboldt Research Fellowships for postdoctoral researchers, the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation enables highly-qualified scientists and scholars from abroad who are just embarking on their academic careers and who completed their doctorates less than four years ago to spend extended periods of research (6–24 months) in Germany. Scientists and scholars from all disciplines and countries may apply.
Benefits of Humboldt Research Scholarships:
The Humboldt fellowship is worth 2,670 EUR per month. This includes a mobility lump sum and a contribution towards health and liability insurance.
Additional benefits for research fellows:
- lump sum for the fellow’s travel expenses if the costs are not borne by a third party;
- language fellowship for an intensive language course lasting two to four months at selected language institutes in Germany immediately prior to the actual period of research; language fellowships may also be granted to accompanying marital partners.
- family allowances for accompanying family members staying at least three months (monthly allowance: up to 346 EUR for marital partners and up to 274 EUR for each child);
- for single-parents: flat-rate allowance for accompanying children (under the age of 18) for stays of at least three months (400 EUR per month for the first child and 100 EUR per month for every additional child);
- additional extension of the fellowship up to 12 months for research fellows accompanied by children under the age of 12;
- a subsidy towards research costs to be paid to the hosts in Germany amounting to 800 EUR per month (for research in the natural sciences and engineering) and 500 EUR (for research in the humanities and social sciences);
- Europe allowance for a research stay at a research institute in another European country (though not the research fellow’s own country); for a designated period in the course of the fellowship if necessary to ensure the success of the research;
- extensive alumni sponsorship once a successful research stay has come to an end, especially for maintaining contacts with collaborative partners in Germany during the Humboldtian’s entire academic career.
Eligibility Criteria to apply for Humboldt Research Scholarships:
Eligibility requirements to apply for Humboldt Research Scholarships are:
- Must be an international candidate.
- Doctorate or comparable academic degree (Ph.D., C.Sc. or equivalent), completed less than four years prior to the date of application. Candidates who have nearly completed their doctoral degrees are eligible to apply provided that they submit the manuscript of their dissertation or publications containing the results of their dissertation, however, at the earliest, 6 months prior to the completion of their dissertation.
- Academic publications reviewed according to international standards and printed in journals and/or by publishing houses.
- Confirmation that research facilities are available and mentoring agreement and a detailed expert’s statement by an academic host at a research institution in Germany.
- Expert reviews from the doctoral supervisor and one other academic qualified to give well-founded comments on the applicant’s qualification, preferably including reviewers not working at the applicant’s own institute.
- Necessary language skills: humanities or social sciences and medicine: good knowledge of German if it is necessary to carry out the research successfully; otherwise a good knowledge of English; natural sciences and engineering: good knowledge of German or English.
- Eligible applicants must have lived outside Germany for a minimum of 12 months in total in the 18-month period prior to submission of the application.
- Potential applicants of German nationality are eligible to apply provided that their habitual place of work and residence has been located abroad on the assumption of permanence for at least five years.
- Potential applicants who have completed their school education and one university degree or one university degree and their doctorate in Germany are subject to the regulations governing German citizens.
Documents required to apply for Humboldt Research Scholarships:
Applying for scholarships comes with comprehensive steps and one of the most important yet time taking step is preparing documents for scholarships. To make this work easy for you, the following list to prepare documents will serve as a guideline for applicants to apply for Humboldt Research Scholarships.
- CV for Scholarship enlisting your skills and experiences.
- Study plan explaining why you are suitable for Humboldt Research Scholarships.
- A valid copy of passport.
- Copies of all the educational documents (transcripts/certificates)
- Motivation Letter enlisting key points on why you are applying for Humboldt Research Scholarships.
- Statement of Purpose (SOP) to ensure your key role in bringing about positive changes and learn new skills.
- Two original Recommendation Letters by previous professors/Institutes
- The research proposal in order to propose your innovative idea. (maximum 5 pages)
- Key publications
- Doctoral certificate or proof that your doctorate has been completed successfully, or confirmation that this will be the case within the next six months.
- German language certificate, if required
- If required: publisher’s acceptance notifications and/or acknowledgement of receipt and summaries/translations of key publications that are not available in English.
Humboldt Research Scholarships Application Procedure:
- Applications can only be submitted online.
- The completed application form, including the necessary additional documents, should be submitted at least four to seven months ahead of the prospective selection date.
- Visit the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation’s website for further information on the online application process and all necessary documents as well as access to the online application system.
- A confirmation of receipt will be issued after the application has been submitted.
- The expert reviews and the host’s confidential statement must be uploaded by their authors directly to the applicant’s online application form.
- The applicant will send the link needed to access the application form via e-mail to the designated persons. It is only possible to submit the application once all documents have been uploaded completely.
- Applicants are responsible for ensuring that their documents are complete. Incomplete applications will be excluded from the selection procedure. After checking the documents, applicants will be notified about the proposed selection date.
Deadline to apply for Humboldt Research Scholarships:
Closing date to apply for Humboldt Research Scholarships is in July, 2021.
For online application submission, click here.
For more information about the Humboldt Research Scholarships, visit their official website.