Research Proposal for Scholarship Application Submission with free Sample
Research Proposal Sample

Applying for a scholarship is a hell of a monotonous, boring, and lengthy procedure. But when we say lengthy, we don’t just say it because of the time duration the whole procedure takes, but because of the long list of documents it requires. This long list requires one more document to be added to it if you are opting for a research based program, which is a research proposal. We are pretty sure that you’ve headed to this article to gain details about the research proposal, so here is the complete info about it along with a template at the end for your comprehensive understanding.
What is a Research Proposal?
A research proposal is a descriptive document of a proposed research project. It provides insights on the need, novelty, challenges, work plan, and timeline of the proposed research project. The research proposal is composed of 800 words at minimum and a maximum of 3,500 words.
It also provides information on the importance of the study, and a sneak peek of the entire research procedure. Basically it demonstrates your ability to conduct and lead this research.
Significance of Research Proposal:
The research proposal is a document of serious significance. The reason behind the submission of a research proposal is to draw the attention of the scholarship committee to your research ideas and execution plan vision. It not only draws their attention but if the research proposal gets accepted, then you’ll be provided with proper funding or scholarship for all the expenses that occur during your research study. The research proposal talks about your proposed idea that you can carry out to produce set results, in a given time duration and limited funds. Therefore, this document should not be hypothesized.
Layout of Research Proposal Written for Scholarship Application:
The layout of research proposals for every research field is the same, but if it is written for the purpose of scholarship application submission then you need to focus on the following key points on drafting your document.
The layout for a scholarship-specific research proposal is divided into seven components. Each of these components has essential purposes. Let’s begin!
- Cover Page:
The cover page is the first and most important component of the research proposal as it contains your basic details such as your full name or proposed research title, your supervisor’s full name, your department and educational institution affiliation, and its logo.
- Introduction:
This part requires some very salient background details of the proposed study; which is why it should be well drafted and backed up by valid citations. This part contains the main topic of the research, the background of the research problem, novelty of the proposed study, benefits of it, insights on expected challenges, questions related to the research, input from reviewers, and roadmap to carry out this project successfully.
The introduction should not be way too lengthy. The best way to control the length is by deducting the irrelevant points and providing a brief explanation.
- Literature Review:
This part shows that the research topic is a new one in its own field and is not a replica. The novelty of the proposed study must be highlighted. It should be stated with power words that the research will be beneficial in the field and has a strong foundation that has already been laid down by providing references. This can be done by providing valid points that juxtapose other theories and researches.
- Research Methodology:
This part should emphasize the plan of how this research will be carried out. The planning should be systematic and realistic. It is effective to mention the proposed research procedure step by step. The best research approach should be mentioned in this part.
- Research Schedule:
Some scholarship committees have a deadline for the submission of the complete research proposal. However, some don’t. It is better to provide to the panel a complete schedule or time chart in accordance with each step so that it is easier for the panel to understand.
- Research Funding Request:
Mention the complete budget requirement for carrying out the proposed research. Each and every item should be mentioned in the research budget; in order to request the funds. The budget should be stated in justified and complete figures.
- Reference List:
The reference list means to list the sources for each and every reference. These references should be complete for example, if you take a reference from a science expo magazine, then you’ll have to mention the day month year of that expo along with the complete details.
Research Proposal Sample:
My name is Andrew James and I am the head of this research program. My supervisor’s name is Mr. Sherman Joseph. I belong to the department of psychology at XYZ University. Our research is based on the topic of Depressive episodes.
I’ve always had a thing for psychology but that one part of me that discovered this passion was the evolving no. of depression cases. I was in high school when all of a sudden this trend became viral and everyone started saying that they’re depressed.
I had never thought that it was a complete state of mind where a person can lose his interest from the areas which used to be his usual favorites so that is why I have chosen to do my research on Depressive Episodes.
For this research, we’ve chosen a patient who is suffering from this bipolar disease and the therapy we are going to choose is going to be approximately 18 weeks long. The therapy will be carried out away from the suburbs, near the AB river. The reason is that we want to check the patient’s response towards nature and silence.
We will be trying silent therapy. Although, it is not considered the best therapy for such minor depressive episodes. I think that this therapy will prove to be more effective and impactful as it has been successful in major depression cases. This therapy will cure the patient from within and let him heal in his own state of mind.
The first couple of weeks the therapy will be carried indoors. The requirement is a white clinic as we want to carry out this experiment with an atmosphere of isolation. There will be an accent of blue color as they are emotionally relaxing.
The cost occurrence will be 180$ for this research. The time duration is 18 weeks. I hope that my research proposal has conveyed to you how well it will prove to be for both our benefits. This research is carried out successfully, we can make a big name in the area of bipolar disease and this will benefit us in many other ways.