Improve IELTS Band Score: Tips by IELTS Test Takes who Scored over 8 BANDS
10 Secret Tips Shared by IELTS exam takers who scored over 8 Bands

In this article, we have mentioned different alternatives to resit in the exam of IELTS. But what if you are not improving your band score even after re-siting in the exam and IELTS is the only option you have. So, in this case, you seriously need to improve your language skills.
To improve your IELTS band score you first have to do some extra work on your basic skills required in English. However, there a lot of different things too by which you can improve your IELTS score.
10 Winning Tips by IELTS Test takers who scored over 8 Bands
Following 10 ways of improving your IELTS scored are uncovered and shared by the previous IELTS exam takers who scored 8 Bands in IELTS recently:
#1: Practice English
Don’t just consider learning English for the purpose of IELTS preparation only. When you are not taking practice sessions of IELTS, even then try to learn English. Make a habit to read magazines, books, newspapers, etc in the English language. For enhancing your listening skills, watch the shows in the English language. Listen to the radio in the English language and podcasts. To increase your speaking skills talk in English to the people around you who know how to speak English.
#2: Learn everything about the IELTS Test
Before sitting into the test make sure you have learned everything about the test. Its format, timing, passages types, interview questions and types of the recordings that come in exam and the types of writing tasks that come in the exam.
#3: Get Feedback
You can always assess your speaking and writing skills by comparing them to the sample answers given in the diagnostic tests. However, you can always find a person who will asses your writing and speaking skills. This can be any person such as your teacher, classmate, family member, or a friend whom you are comfortable with.
#4: Find Vocabulary Words
You can’t always memorize the lists of vocabulary words that might show up in IELTS tests. But there are always some words which can come quite frequently and these are words which you should memorize. There are many vocabulary books present n the internet from which you can prepare.
#5: Exercise skill of Understanding Vocabulary in Context
Apart from the most common words which appear in the IELTS exam, there are also words that may appear in the test and you will not be familiar with them. For these types of words, you can infer the meaning through vocabulary in context. It is a skill that will help you recognize the meanings of the word by understanding the meaning of the words which surround it. So, try to build up a habit of building this skill as it will help you greatly in gaining a good score.
#6: Keeping Note-Taking Under Control
Taking notes in IELTS is very helpful until and unless it is done with moderation and intelligence. If you keep yourself too much busy taking notes in the listening section then there is a probability that you can miss a lot of information. Similarly, in a reading section, you should take notes that are helpful as there is the line between a helpful note and a long distracting note. So, always try to keep your notes short so that they may help you.
#7: Practise to Pre-write
Pre-writing is a technique that you should adopt before speaking on a certain topic in a speaking section and the writing section before you start writing. As in the speaking section of IELTS, you are given a topic written on the card. And you have to speak on that topic for a minute after the prep of one minute on that topic. So in that one minute, you should make notes on what you want to say. Similarly, taking notes before writing an essay in a writing section can help you more in presenting your ideas. The main reason the students don’t get good scores in the writing section is that they don’t pre-plan it.
#8: Exercise Visual Literacy
Always try to build the skill of visual literacy. The IELTS usually tests your literacy skills. Visual literacy is the type of ability by which you infer the information based on graphs, tables, diagrams or charts. These types of tasks come in the reading, listening and writing skills. So, make sure you have a complete grip on this skill.
#9: Exercise Test Skills, not Just Language Skills
IELTS is a test that measures your skills in the English language. This means that you need to focus on the skills that are test specific along with the language skills. Always keep track of your pace and develop those techniques which will help you finish the test in time. Always try to understand the nature of questions and how to approach them. Always try to know the structure of the test. And for the good IELTS score try blending the testing skills with language skills.
#10: Take Care of Yourself, relax and then appear for IELTS
Most of the time the reason you get low scores even when you are well prepared is because of physical tiredness. Most of the students are tired, hungry and low head on the exam day. So, always try to have a good physical condition on the day of the test. Have a nice rest and meal on the day before your test. Additionally, do not take stress and stop worrying. Being worried won’t make you have good scores but having a healthy stress free mind will make a great difference.
The Takeaway
There are many ways to have an idea that if you are having a good IELTS score or not. Understanding the test format and how it is scored is the key to having a good score. Moreover, always make sure that what scores you are needed to have. Last but not least always be ready to enhance the IELTS score by increasing your general skills.