List of Highly Recommended Books for IELTS Test Preparation
Books Recommended for IETLS Test

In order to prepare well for the IELTS test, you need to study from some books. So, in this article, we have listed some books which everyone must read while preparing for the exam. The first set of books that we have mentioned are compulsory for all of the candidates if they want to have their desired IELTS score. The other set of books is, however, should be read if you have enough time for the preparation. Apart from these, you can found so many books online and in the market which will help you prepare but the following are a must to have.
IELTS Books for IELTS Test Preparation
The following are the books that you must have while preparing for the IELTS test.
These books of IELTS by Cambridge are the most authentic ones when it comes to IELTS preparation. Anyhow, they are expensive but they are very authentic so you can invest your money in them. However, the latest version is Book 14.
- No one should give the exam of IELTS until and unless you have undertaken the practice tests given in the books of Cambridge.
- Keep note that these books usually have small numbers of speaking topics. So, for this purpose, you need to find extra topics and questions from the websites online to prepare well for the exam.
From Where one can Purchase IELTS Practice Books?
You can purchase these books from the amazon book store online. Or you can also find them second-hand from your friend or colleague. Moreover, you can also have them from the book stores locally.
This book is very helpful in knowing the vocabulary which can increase your IELTS score. For online users, it comes in pdf form making it easy to read.
This book is very helpful in order to increase the grammar score in task 2 of IELTS writing. This book will teach you to make very complex sentences with the proper usage of grammar. Moreover, you will also learn how to increase your grammar accuracy so that your score can be increased. Apart from helping you in the IELTS exam, this book can also help you in the future.
If you have done all of the practice materials in the above-mentioned books and have also increased your grammar accuracy then you must try the following practice materials.
- IELTS Trainer Well Known Book For IELTS Test
This book has 6 practice tests including the advice with which you can handle the questions in the test very easily. However, keep in mind that practice tests in this book aren’t officially IELTS published but they are still very good for the practicing purpose. Moreover, the test given in the book is only for the academic module.