After your IELTS test, inspire others by sharing your IELTS test results and IELTS Exam Tips to motivate the students who wish to appear in IELTS sooner.
Please use the following comment section to leave your IELTS Test Results and share IELTS Exam tips using the text box there.
Post your IELTS Exam Results in the following format:
- Add Your Good Name
- Add Your Email Address
- Add your IELTS Test Score
- Share your IELTS Test Tips in the Text section
If your IELTS Test Score is 7.5 or above, then please connect with us with valid IELTS certificate, so we can cover your story and your IELTS Tips for others with a censored version of your IELTS result card (Personal details removed), in the purpose of motivating and inspiring others 🙂
If your IELTS results are withheld then please read our detailed article on possible reasons for IELTS test results delay and get to know when can you expect the IELTS results at the latest.
Please also mention if you are happy with your IELTS results or not, it will be great if you can share your thoughts on if you retake the IELTS test then how can you further improve your IELTS scores?