IELTS Test Results Withheld or Delayed Status: Why your IELTS results Withheld and When to Expect Results Announcement?
Why the IELTS Test Results Delayed or Withheld?

In normal circumstances, the IELTS result comes after the 13 days of your test. But there is a probability that you receive an email informing you that your results have been delayed. This causes anxiety, fear, anger, annoyance, and many other different emotions in the candidates. And as a result, they may start thinking that what has gone wrong? Anyhow, you can always make a contact to the test center in order to inquire why your results have been delayed. So, to answer your queries we have written this article that will explain why your IELTS result can be delayed.
Why the Results of IELTS Test are delayed or withheld?
The results of the IELTS examination are withheld usually under 3 different types of circumstances. However, the conditions to withheld the result are also pre-specified on the document given to you with the application form of test. So, make sure of it that you read all of those circumstances under which a result can be withheld.
IELTS Exam Terms & Conditions
Read all the conditions under which your results get delayed in the following piece of text from the website of IELTS.
Your result may not be issued 13 days after the test if the IELTS Test Partners decide that it is necessary to review any matter associated with your test or the administration of your test. To assist any investigation, you may be required to provide writing and speaking samples. In exceptional circumstances, you may be required to re-take one or more IELTS components.
The First Condition of IELTS Result Withheld or Delayed Status
The first condition under which your results can get delayed for more than 13 days is because the examiners may want to look deeply into your test. For this, there can be several reasons as follows.
- The IELTS may want to run a check of quality control to see how was the test being manged.
- The IELTS may want your test to be re-checked.
The IELTS do a rechecking of the test in the circumstances in which you have a greater difference of two or greater than two bands in the modules of the test. For example, if you scored a band 7.5 in the listening section but you scored a 5.5 band in the writing section then your test will be rechecked by the IELTS to see if there was any mistake in checking or not.
So, this means that if you scored well in the listening section then it means that you should not get a very low score in the writing section. Otherwise, you will be asked to retake the test of the specified section.
The Second Condition of IELTS Result Withheld or Delayed Status
According to the IELTS website, the second condition in case of delayed or withheld IELTS test results is as follows:
Your result may be canceled after it has been issued if any irregularity is identified. You may be required to re-take one or more IELTS components.
Your IELTS results can get canceled if the examiners find any inconsistencies in the test. Additionally, you may be required to give the whole test again or some sections of it.
Note that the inconsistencies in this context mean that there may be unusual circumstances that were not acceptable and have affected the test.
However, keep in mind that the administrators who administer the IELTS test maintain quality control every time so that the integrity of the test can be maintained.
So, because of this, your results can be under inspection and your results can be delayed or withheld at any time.
The Third Condition of IELTS Result Withheld or Delayed Status
The third condition in case of delayed or withheld IELTS test results is as follows:
If any of the data on the Test Report Form provided by you or your agent to Recognising Organisations has been altered in any way, your original test result may be canceled.
If there are any modifications or alterations observed in the data given by you, then your result of IELTS will be canceled. So, always make sure that you provide accurate data while applying for the IELTS test. On the other hand, if you are applying through an agent then also make sure that the agent is a good one.
How to prevent your IELTS result from delaying or withheld status?
Whenever the IELTS result is withheld or delayed then, the IELTS sends you the email informing about the result. Or if you by chance don’t get the email, then make sure that you check your spam folder or make a contact with the test center.
Moreover, the results can be delayed for any time period. Either it is for a week, a month or months. So, it means that your results can be withheld for any time duration until the problem is solved.
How to evade such circumstances of the IELTS result delaying?
- After Taking the Test of IELTS
If you do not want to wait, then you can always register to give another test. Moreover, a choice will be given to you to choose any of the results you like. So, always choose the result in which you have a high score.
- Before Taking the IELTS Test
You can always in advance book you another test so that the deadlines can be met. So, if you don’t get your result in the 13 days then you will still be having time to give another test.
So, always prepare well for the IELTS test so that you don’t feel any difficulty. There are many online courses available that can help you to prepare well and get good scores. So, never miss those opportunities.