How Long is the IELTS Exam - IELTS Academic and IELTS General Training Exam Duration
IELTS can be a very lengthy exam for some people who usually have the anxiety of taking tests. Apart from this, the IELTS exam does not last much longer and the time duration is manageable.
Let us have a thorough look at the schedule and timetable of each section of an IELTS exam in both the formats of IELTS Academic test as well as for the IELTS general training exam. If you know the tasks for test day and have the information that how long they last, then you can easily de-mystify it. Moreover, this can also lower your anxiety for the test and will give you confidence as you go to take the test.
As the IELTS sections have their own limit of time, let’s have a look at the time duration for each section of the exam.
#1 IELTS Listening Section Exam Duration
The listening section of IELTS is of 30 minutes. The time duration is the same in both types of modules that is IELTS Academic and IELTS general training. In this section, you have four recordings to listen to and have to answer the questions. This means that you approximately have 7.5 minutes for each recording to listen and answer the questions given from it.
#2 IELTS Reading Section Exam Duration
IELTS reading section is of 60 minutes in both of the IELTS modules i.e IELTS Academic and IELTS General Training. However, you will find that the time division is very different among the reading passages depending upon which module you are taking.
In IELTS academic there are four educational passages relating to the university style. However, in contrast to this, the general training reading section has short passages, but they are more in number. Such as nonfiction readings which maybe 2 or 3, texts related to the work and a long academic passage. So, this means that in general training the time is more divided.
#3 IELTS Writing Section Exam Duration
In the IELTS writing section, you have an hour to write two questions in both modules of the IELTS. For task one, you have to write 150 words and for task two you have to write an opinion essay of a minimum 250 words. However, in both IELTS modules, the nature of task one is quite different as you have to write a letter in general training task one. And is in the IELTS academic you have to write a description of some table or a graph.
When you are going to attempt the IELTS writing task then consider thinking that which task you will be able to do quickly and then plan to write the questions. The greater pace of writing is very important in the writing section as you have to complete the tasks in the time allotted to you.
#4 IELTS Speaking Section Exam Duration
Now coming to the last part of the IELTS test and that is the speaking test. The interview in the IELTS speaking test usually lasts for 11 to 14 minutes. You have an advantage in this as the examiner who will be interviewing you will manage the pace and you yourself don’t have to do anything to maintain the pace.
However, you have to keep track of time while speaking on the topic given to you on the topic card. As in this section, you will only be having one minute to prepare your answer. And later you will have only 2 minutes to convey your thoughts to the examiner.
So, in total if you do the maths then the IELTS exam usually lasts for about 2 and ¾ hours. As the three sections, listening, writing and reading will take 2 hours and 30 minutes. Later, the interview will take your 15 minutes hardly. Moreover, you don’t get a break between the sections as the timetable is quite fixed. So, in total, your exam will take less than three hours.
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